Wear Resistant Steel Plates, Wear Resistant Steel 400 Plates, Wear Resistant Steel Plates in Best Price, Wear Resistant Steel 450 Plate, Wear Resistant Steel Plates Exporter, Hiten Plates, High Quality Wear Resistant Steel Plates, Wear Resistant Steel Plates Supplier in India.

These Hiten Plates are a higher Carbon content steel plate, which offers very great corrosion resistance and high temperatures strength. It gives excellent performance at elevated temperatures. Further, Wear Resistant Steel 450 Plates has outstanding mechanical properties along with high impact toughness as well as hardness. We offer our Wear Resistant Steel 400 Plates in different types, sizes, specification, dimension, length and wall thickness as per the need of our customers and industries. Apart from this, Wear Resistant Steel 500 Plates is known for its outstanding features such as high tensile strength, good corrosion resistance, good surface finishing, sturdy construction, low maintenance and longer service life. Also, it provides excellent workability, durability as well as machinability properties. All these advantages combined are making it perfect for use in many critical industrial applications.



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